Beautiful dried lavender and rose bouquet featuring dried lavender, 2 stems of dried pink spray roses, lilac purple phalaris, and green oats! This dried flower arrangement is the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one. Approx 38-40cm in height to tallest stems.
The elegant pink, lilac and green colour combination will add a lovely touch to your interior. Our flowers last for 1-3+ years, just handle them with care.
Dried flower care: to prolong the life of your dried flowers ensure you keep them out of direct sunlight, away from water, and handle with care.
Please note this is a natural product therefore small variations in size and colour shade of stems is to be expected.
Sandrose Studio is a small business based in Cambridgeshire UK, we love creating beautiful dried flowers and every order means the world. All of our flowers are sustainably sourced.