Beautiful lavender and yellow dried rose bouquet with wheat, lepidium and broom bloom for a stunning cottage look. A wonderful gift to send to a loved one, or a treat for yourself to add a burst of colour to your interiors. Our flowers will last 3+ years.
The perfect affordable alternative for your bridesmaid's bouquets!
Please note that dried flowers are delicate, you may find a small amount of lavender shed from transit, this is normal :)
The elegant lilac and yellow combination will add a lovely touch to your interior. Our flowers last for 3+ years, just handle them with care (find care details below!)
Sandrose Studio is a small business based in Cambridgeshire UK, we love creating beautiful dried flowers and every order means the world. All of our flowers are sustainably sourced in the UK.
This is a natural product therefore sizes, shape and colour may vary slightly.
These flowers are sent with Royal Mail tracked delivery.
Dried flower care: to prolong the life of your dried flowers ensure you keep them out of direct sunlight, away from water, and handle with care.
Discover more lavender bouquets and dried flowers in our shop!
The perfect affordable alternative for your bridesmaid's bouquets!
Please note that dried flowers are delicate, you may find a small amount of lavender shed from transit, this is normal :)
The elegant lilac and yellow combination will add a lovely touch to your interior. Our flowers last for 3+ years, just handle them with care (find care details below!)
Sandrose Studio is a small business based in Cambridgeshire UK, we love creating beautiful dried flowers and every order means the world. All of our flowers are sustainably sourced in the UK.
This is a natural product therefore sizes, shape and colour may vary slightly.
These flowers are sent with Royal Mail tracked delivery.
Dried flower care: to prolong the life of your dried flowers ensure you keep them out of direct sunlight, away from water, and handle with care.
Discover more lavender bouquets and dried flowers in our shop!